Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Winner is Blu-ray!

Everyone is crazy about DVDs. Heck, I've got a ton of them. But since consumerism cannot get enough of a good thing, we are told that the next generation -- the thing that is better than DVDs -- is just around the corner. The problem? We've got two technologies competing for dominance (think VHS vs. Betamax). Most of us will sit back and relax until the early adopters decide what format is best, and we'll all go with it -- just as we did with VHS. But for the rich and the geeky tomorrow is today.

The battle to be what amounts to DVD 2.0 is currently being waged between Blu-ray and HD-DVD technologies. Each boast even better picture quality than traditional DVDs and a bunch of other bells and whistles that you'll probably never tap into with your remote control.

At this point it seems that it is too close to call on what format will ultimately win. At least that's what I thought until I was informed via a TV commercial about what is going to propel Blu-ray over the top and settle this format battle once and for all.

What is that catalyst? The Benchwarmers is now available on Blu-ray!

Yes, sir, you can now see Rob Schneider and that kid from Napoleon Dynamite in high def! If this isn't going to make those $1,000 players fly off the shelves, I don't know what will.

Other must-own Blu-ray discs include: Hitch, 50 First Dates, Rumor Has It and RV.

No word yet on what format will get Failure to Launch.

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