Saturday, October 14, 2006

Giving Bloggers $100 More Reasons to Not Move Out of the Basement

Isn't this what we all want to do, get paid for giving our opinion?

USA Today's Kevin Maney blog:

Blogsultants? Consulgers?

Talked to Mike Masnick, who runs the blog Techdirt, which this week launched an intriguing concept that could allow the best bloggers to double as ad hoc consultants. It's called Insight Community.

"Increasingly, there are a lot of smart and insightful bloggers offering up analysis and opinion" in their specialties, Masnick says. Why not give them a way to make extra money by answering specific questions posed by a company, and at the same time give companies some input that would cost less than hiring an analyst or consulting firm?

Bloggers who want to do this essentially nominate themselves on the Insight Community site. Their blogs become their resume and application. Techdirt first approves each blogger it allows into the system.

...Masnick says bloggers will make about $50 to $100 for each response they write. The responses would be about blog post length.
Given this news, Spaulding, Get Your Foot Off the Boat! will now take the next two weeks off of work in order to beef up this blog -- thereby clearing the way to make money while eating Cheetos on the couch.

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