Saturday, January 06, 2007

Da Bears

File this under "predictions that will probably make the editorial staff look silly:"

The Chicago Bears will be one-and-done in the playoffs.

Grossman hasn't shown any consistency lately and the defense -- while still formidable -- is not as strong as it was earlier in the year. This is to say nothing of the fact that the bye week might not be what the team needs. Do you really want Rex to turn his brain off for that long?

We'll see if Da Bears can prove Spaulding wrong, but I'm guessing that in a few weeks when we talk about Da Bears we shant say who won.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Weigh in on Da Bears debate in the Spauld-pinion Poll on the right-hand sidebar of this blog. Hurry, poll ends on Friday, January 12, 2007.

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