Friday, March 02, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Just took a trip to Cancun. It was lovely, but the travel portion of the trip seemed a little out of sync with the calendar.

The in-flight movie? Deck the Halls with Matthew Broderick and Danny DeVito. Deck the Halls?!? It's practically St. Patrick's Day! Very odd selection -- they must have gotten a heck of a cheap price for the rights to show that one at 30,000 feet. But hey, you've got to give the Deck the Halls folks credit for getting their film in front of as many people as possible -- more people probably saw that movie in one plane trip than the entire time it was in theaters.

Then, once we landed, it was like Valentine's Day because -- according to signs posted all over the airport-- "Love Is In The Air at the Airport Gift Shop." Hmmm...heart shaped signs. At least this holiday-related event was closer to the calendar page.

Oddly, I did not encounter any belated Groundhog Day events during the trip.

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