Saturday, August 26, 2006

Caption of the Month (August 2006)

I realize the month is not quite over, but I am pleased to announce the winner of the Spaulding, Get Your Foot Off the Boat!'s "Spauldy" award for for excellence in photographic captioning in a print or Web-based medium.

Ladies and gentlemen, this award-winning caption was written for a MSNBC article that was posted to the Web on the eve of Tiger Woods winning the PGA Championship. While the judge recognizes that many a fine photo caption was written in August 2006, none so expertly utilized humor and a cross-sport reference as well as this Spauldy winner.

I am pleased to announce that the Spauldy winning best caption is:

Luke Donald, who has never won a major title, enters the final round of the PGA Championship tied with 11-time major champion Tiger Woods. Columnist Dan O'Neill says Donald shouldn't despair. He also probably likes the Cubs to rally and win the NL wild card.

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